Set Variable Switch Fail

I have a large switch statement with about 20 case values. Switch is on an integer value in a SP list … I have tried using
and also string(items(‘For_each’)?[‘buID’])

It seems to evaluate the case statement and then attempts to set the variable valuable to long string (that is a manual value of a GUID). It is not dynamic.

Screenshot 2024-09-01 074209

I then get this error.

I tried using “test” as the set variable value instead of the guid string and still got the error. It does match on the case of equals 64 in this case.


I had wondered if I needed to convert the integer to a string value prior to the case stmt??

Can you show more of your flow to include the switch case?

I believe it’s due to a type mismatch. Switch actions are not good at determining string vs integer.

Try something silly like this:


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Personally I would use a completely different approach. The idea of a switch statement with 20 branches does not seem tidy to me. Given that you are only trying to set the value of a variable and they are hard coded values I would start with a JSON array in a compose action, something like this:

        "BUID": 23,
        "Value": "SomeValue"
        "BUID": 64,
        "Value": "Test"

Then I would add a filter array action that filters the array based on the BUID, so for example 23. Next add a compose action that takes the first (and only) result of the filter array action and extracts the Value. So a simplified version would look something like this:

You would have your Business Units Array outside of your apply to each and your filter array within an apply to each.

This is a much cleaner approach. You could enhance it further by creating a list which contains the BUIDs and values and therefore remove the hardcoding of the Business Units array.

Does that make sense?

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Yes, it does Paulie. I like that idea because even navigating a 20 wide switch statement is ugly and a pain too. Plus it likely solves the weirdness around the string vs. int issue that Matthew mentions. I already have those BU’s in a List Rows call to DV.

Thank you both for your feedback.

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