Dataverse View/XRM Toolbox?

I have a Power App that uses DV as the data source. I have a parent child relationship with the parent as the Task and then the children being all the Task Status Updates. One row per update. I want to capture the last status update per “task”. I can do this in Collections by grouping by the “Task” and recording on the first entry after sorting the group by. Certainly can do that.

But my question is can I/should I try and accommplish the same equivalent outcome but by doing this as a DV view or within XrmToolbox. Why would I do that? Well, I’m thinking it might be more efficient that way and certainly more flexible to used elsewhere in the PP.

So can you group by “a var” sorting by modified on (in descending order) and grab only the 1st row. Confused how I would do that outside of collections. Thoughts?

Assuming you just want to show a list of tasks with corresponding latest updates in the same table during runtime, you could use AddColumns to add a column with the latest update to the respective row in your tasks table, applying the necessary logic to grab each related latest update